Coordinating, cataloging and positioning news that is being distributed

From: Ramon Chen
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:28 PM
To: *ALL MetaTV
Subject: Coordinating, cataloging and positioning news that is being distributed

Thanks to everyone for their continued efforts monitoring the marketplace for great news about our competitors, customers, partners and general information in the iTV space. In order for us to begin to assess all the daily news and the associated impact to MetaTV (if any),  we are proposing that the following infrastructure for managing and classifying the information be put into place:
For all e-mail headers of clipped/URL blasts that folks send out append in the header the following categories,
INFO: General iTV related news or companies that don’t fit in either COMP, PTNR or CUST
COMP: Known/potential competitior
PTNR: Known/potential partner
CUST: Current/potential customer
In addition, any information marketing puts out will be preceeded by the 3 ‘Rs’ in the section before the actual news item (for example see the latest COMP:Infospace note that Jim Gold just sent out)
RELEVANCE: How this news is relavant to MetaTV (if it is relavant).
RESPONSE: What is the marketing spin to the news if someone in the company is approached and asked how we feel about the news
RELATED: What are some (company wide disseminable information) related activities that MetaTV is participating in this area or as counter to the news
In addition, I a public folder will get set up where all information gets archived and a summary e-mail will be produced at the end of each week by marketing titled
WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY – week ending <mm/dd/yy>
(similar to the marketing update status style) This e-mail will have “clips” of all the headings of all the items sent out by anyone in the company with marketing providing the associated 3 ‘Rs’ for clarification.
Peter Coleman will own the 3 R’s and weekly news summary and will request help from other departments and marketing team members to ensure the strongest possible unified R’s.
We believe that this process will be a great help in getting everyone up to speed (new folks especially) using the latest news to highlight what it means to us, what we are already doing in those areas, and what additional action we should take as individuals and as a company.
Special thanks to William Briggs and his great e-mails to date, William keep e’m coming please! If you could please put the corresponding header appendage (INFO: COMP: PTNR or CUST:) on your e-mail we’ll be able to send out the summary at the end of the week.
Please continue to monitor for breaking news, the more eyeballs the better and as I mentioned before, everyone here is marketing MetaTV together. The marketing team will classify and catalog the information at the end of each week as well as send out ones we feel are of interest too, providing everyone with the latest MetaTV response and related activities.
– Ramon
 Ramon Chen
VP, Worldwide Marketing

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