Hot News Alert: MetaTV announces new MetaTV Platform AND Cox selects MetaTV

From: Ramon Chen
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 7:55 AM
To: *All MetaTV
Subject: Hot News Alert: MetaTV announces new MetaTV Platform AND Cox selects MetaTV

Hello everyone,
We put our two press releases across the wire at 6:30PST this morning (we mentioned the releases and provided a preview of the quotes at the MetaTV Global Summit). The releases can be found at:
1) Cox has selected MetaTV for iTV services
2) The new MetaTV Platform release
and on our website at
As you saw yesterday, the Cox news was featured in an article in CableWorld. The reason the news was in CableWorld prior to our actual release is that we negotiated with them to give them an exclusive interview (thereby holding up the timing of our release to this week) in exchange for the focused coverage we received. The article will also appear in the hardcopy of this weeks issue of CableWorld.
We continue to work the channels to garner more coverage of our news. Congrats to everyone, we continue to execute and the leading industry publications and the who iTV community continues to hear how well we are doing.
– R

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